
Calculating EFC and College Cost for a Student i.e. Creating Scenario's

Calculating EFC and College Cost for a Student i.e. Creating Scenario's

  1. From the Client Overview Page. Select "Blueprint"
  2. Enter the name for the scenario.
  3. Select the Student from the dropdown for which the scenario is created for.
  4. Press Save Scenario.
  5. New scenario is created.
  6. Reposition the assets and Press "Recalculate/Save" to get the new result. 
  7. After you are happy with the repositioning of assets. Proceed to "Planned Contribution" and "CCPS Savings". 
  8. Adjust the Value in Planned Contribution.
  9. Adjust the Value in CCPS Savings.

In Detailed analysis of the Blueprint is posted on Tips and Tricks Section.

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